What is newsjacking?

As with most business strategies, PR can be done proactively or reactively.

But unlike some strategies, PR can still work well even if you are doing it on the fly and newsjacking is an excellent strategy that’s just that: Totally on the fly!

If you were to look inside the playbook of any PR agency it would be made up of a mixture of long-term PR strategies with particular goals around messaging, and shorter-term strategies that ensure they’re keeping their finger on the pulse of the industry.

Whilst doing both is the most effective way to get the publicity that supports ALL key messaging across the business and at the correct times to suit the company calendar, it’s not the only way to do PR!

You’re not a PR agency and you haven’t got a full-time schedule to dedicate to this so you can look at starting out with newsjacking. At least until it becomes more like second nature to you.

So what is newsjacking?

Newsjacking is essentially just PR that is built upon stories and narratives that are already being written and talked about.

For example: If it’s the Queen’s Jubilee and there are royal stories all over the press and social media then you might want to come up with a story, opinion or some advice that is connected to these stories.

Maybe you’re a ceramics maker and you’ve stopped making anything other than Jubliee teacups!

Or you’re a skincare specialist or fashion stylist and you want to give your tips on how to look as great as the queen. Or how to make sure your skin ages well.

This is newsjacking.

Using this strategy is great for two reasons:

  • Using current trends means you have a constant supply of inspiration and you’re not having to come up with stories every time.
  • If a subject is already being talked about in the press then it takes the guesswork out on whether it is newsworthy. Journalists are already talking about it and the interest is already there.

If you haven’t already – download one of my free DIY PR guides, here.
Amy Merrywest is a publicist and DIY PR teacher, specialising in helping women with small businesses get themselves, their products, and their brands featured in the press. Her clients have been featured in many UK publications such as The Guardian, The Telegraph, BBC, Closer – and many more!